$WQT Staking audit

Sep 22, 2021

We continue to inform you about the results of the WorkQuest smart contracts audits conducted by our partner Datami.ua

And today we present the $WQT Staking Audit.

The Datami team has concluded:

No vulnerabilities were identified. During the testing process, several informational remarks were found, eliminating which can lead to more secure code and following security best practices.

Read the full report: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1lrayQACnsHv5zfBJ24CF8awRqmDygt3V/view

GitHub: https://github.com/WorkQuest/Contracts/blob/develop/contracts/WQStaking.sol

#WorkQuest #Staking #Tokens #DigitalAssets $WQT #Blockchain #Audit #Report




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