Technical structure of WorkQuest

2 min readJun 3, 2021

WorkQuest is the next step in the labor market. The platform uses the latest available technology to make sure both workers and employers can keep their relationships secure, transparent, and open.

The fundamental technology is blockchain. In simple words, blockchain is a chain of blocks containing all the information about Quests, transactions, users, etc., securely. Noone can delete this information because it is copied to each block kept on each network node. If one wants to break the system, they need to break innumerable nodes at the same time. It is close to impossible. At the same time, the information is open to the users. Anyone can check the code and find the necessary data at any time.

For building our blockchain, we used Cosmos SDK. It is a developer resource, also known as the “Base Coin.” The main goal of the SDK is to reduce the complexity of creating ABCI for general blockchain functionality and allow developers to focus on custom applications in a standardized environment.

To make sure all the nodes of the network work correctly, we implemented Tendermint. This is an advanced consensus solution based on BFT (Byzantine Fault Tolerance). It means that as long as at least ⅔ of all the nodes work correctly, all the network’s operations will be accurate and clean. Tendermint consists of two major components, which are the consensus mechanism engine and its interface.

The consensus mechanism engine is called Tendermint Core. It accounts for recording all the transactions to each block while order it was made in the original block. The application interface is called Application Interface Blockchain Interface and is responsible for processing transactions in any programming language.

One more essential element of WorkQuest’s technical structure is Multisignature. It is necessary for users who have a shared wallet. If one wants to, for example, withdraw funds from such a wallet, they need to get 80% of other members to agree.

Multisignature is needed for three types of blockchain: CreateMultisig, CreateTransation, and SignTransaction. All of them are observed in detail in our Whitepaper by the link below:


Also, WorkQuest divided the platform users into a few categories — roles: validator, delegator, the user. Validator is the one keeping a replica of the blockchain on their equipment and processing transactions. Delegators lease funds to validators to make sure all the transactions are valid. By user, we mean all the other platform members such as Workers, Employees, etc.

Understanding that all the users want to be aware of all the necessary data about their transactions, fees, and so on at any given moment, we implemented Explorer into WorkQuest. It allows the users to check any needed information anytime.

If you want to study more about WorkQuest, visit our website:




WorkQuest: The World’s Decentralized Job Market. Integrating DeFi and recruitment. 🌐 ☑️ 🎆