Happy New Year 2022!

Dec 31, 2021

There are only a few hours left before the end of 2021! We sincerely hope that 2021 brought you a great deal of happiness and joy and that you are now ready to start the new year 2022!✨

2021 brought WorkQuest major achievements and developments, step by step getting us closer to the final launch. And we are very grateful to every community member for your support, for staying with us! Let’s revolutionize the modern labor market together!🎉

The WorkQuest team wishes you determination and good luck in 2022. Keep moving forward and all your dreams will come true!

🤩Happy New Year, everybody!

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WorkQuest: The World’s Decentralized Job Market. Integrating DeFi and recruitment. 🌐 WorkQuest.co ☑️ https://t.me/WorkQuestChat 🎆 https://linktr.ee/WorkQuest