Benefits of blockchain

2 min readSep 10, 2021

With the decentralized and trustless nature, Blockchain technology can lead to new opportunities and benefit various spheres through greater transparency, enhanced security, and easier traceability.

Five important blockchain benefits include:

Enhanced Security

The data is sensitive and crucial, and blockchain can significantly change how this critical information is viewed. Blockchain helps prevent fraud and unauthorized activities by creating an encrypted end-to-end record that cannot be altered.

Greater Transparency

In blockchain transactions, the data are recorded identically in multiple locations. All network participants with permission access can see the same information in real-time, ensuring complete transparency. All transactions are immutably recorded and are time — and date-stamped; this enables members to view the entire history of a transaction and virtually eliminates any fraud opportunity.

Instant Traceability

Blockchain creates an audit trail that documents the provenance of an asset at every step of its journey. With blockchain, it is possible to share data about provenance directly with customers. This blockchain feature also helps expose weaknesses in any supply chain.

Increased Efficiency and Speed

By using blockchain, transactions can be completed faster and more efficiently. In addition, there’s no need to reconcile multiple ledgers, making clearing and settlement much faster.


Smart contracts allow the automation of transactions, which increases the process speed and efficiency. There is very little need for human intervention or third parties in the blockchain, and the verification of the terms of a contract is largely automatic.

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